South Metro Fire Rescue and the South Metro Safety Foundation have partnered to host our annual Scouting Day! With increased interest from our communities, we have opened it up to all kids ages 5-11 rather than only our scouting troops. You will still be able to fulfill badge requirements while all of us learn about fire safety, first aid, and emergency response. This will be an educational adventure your kids will remember and is sure to sell out!
If you are a Girl Scout Troop you will need to sign-up at the Girl Scouts of Colorado website HERE
All other individuals can sign-up below.
First Aid Badge steps completed at the event: Building a first aid kit, basic first aid, choking, CPR/AED review, head and neck injuries signs and symptoms of heart attack/stroke, bleeding control. Safety Pin Award steps completed at the event (*please note: safety pins must be purchased on your own and will not be provided at the event): What to do in an emergency, choking, "stop, drop and roll", map of neighborhood important spots, smoke alarms, common injuries and how to prevent them, home evacuation drills, weather concerns.
Location: South Metro Training Facility 17801 E. Plaza Drive Parker, CO 80134